- Ways to Eliminate Cat Urine Stains from Washable Bedding
- Absorb the Cat Urine
- Take off the bed linens.
- Pre-treat the blemishes.
- Clean the Bed Linens
- Tip
- Inspect for Spots
- Ways to Eliminate Fresh Cat Urine from a Mattress
- Absorb Fresh Urine
- Address the New Stain
- Address the Smell of Cat Urine
- Ways to Eliminate Cat Urine Smell from a Mattress
- Sodium Bicarbonate Mixture
- Refined Clear Vinegar
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Warning
- Laundry Borax is a versatile cleaning agent often used to enhance the effectiveness of laundry detergents.
- Warning
- Extra Advice for Eliminating Cat Urine
Project Summary
- Duration of Work: 10 to 45 minutes
- Overall Duration: 10 minutes to 8 hours
- Proficiency Level: Novice
- Projected Expense: $5 to $10
Felines are enigmatic beings. Their behaviors can be perplexing, such as when they choose to relieve themselves on your bed. Research suggests that around 10 percent of cats will, at some stage in their lives, urinate outside of their litter box.
If your cat has urinated on your bedding, there’s no reason to worry—removing the stain and odor is straightforward. At the first sign of the stain, take off the bedding and apply an enzyme-based stain remover designed for pet messes, or use a bit of strong laundry detergent. After that, wash the bedding according to the care instructions.
Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to swiftly remove cat urine stains from your bedding.
Ways to Eliminate Cat Urine Stains from Washable Bedding
Absorb the Cat Urine
Upon discovering a new stain, put on a pair of disposable gloves and gently dab the cat urine with multiple layers of paper towels.
Take off the bed linens.
Once you notice the stain, take the bedding off the bed immediately. Inspect each item for any stains or unpleasant smells. The quicker you address the stains and launder the bedding, the better your chances of completely eliminating the stains.
Pre-treat the blemishes.
Apply an enzyme-based stain remover specifically designed for pet stains, or use a small amount of strong laundry detergent to treat the affected spots. Gently scrub the cleaner into the fabric with a soft-bristled brush. Allow the solution to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before washing the bedding.
Clean the Bed Linens
Clean the bedding using the hottest water suitable for the materials. Incorporate a cup of baking soda into the wash water to assist in eliminating odors.
If you’re worried about bacteria present in urine, consider adding a disinfectant to your laundry water. For white cotton fabrics, a chlorine bleach solution can effectively disinfect. However, for colored and synthetic materials, it’s advisable to use a disinfectant like pine oil.
Inspect for Spots
If yellow marks persist, avoid putting the bedding in the dryer, as the intense heat could make the stains permanent. Instead, let the bedding air dry if you’re uncertain about the stains being completely removed. For tough stains, consider the following methods:
- Prepare a mixture of cool water and oxygen bleach by adhering to the instructions provided on the packaging for the correct blending process.
- Allow the bedding to immerse for a minimum of two hours.
- If the stains persist, prepare a fresh mixture of oxygen bleach and water, let the item soak overnight, and then wash it once more.
Ways to Eliminate Fresh Cat Urine from a Mattress
In the event of a cat urinating, promptly take away all bedding. Place the sheets, mattress protector, and any contaminated blankets into the washing machine.
Absorb Fresh Urine
Donning rubber gloves, utilize paper towels to soak up as much of the urine as you can. Apply firm pressure to assist the towels in absorbing the liquid, and switch to a fresh towel as the urine is absorbed.
Address the New Stain
- Combine one teaspoon of an enzyme-powered stain remover or a strong laundry detergent with one cup of warm water.
- Soak a gentle scrub brush in the mixture and gently clean the stained section of the mattress.
- Start at the outer edges of the stain and move inward to avoid expanding it further.
- Dab the spot with a dry cloth to soak up the moisture.
Address the Smell of Cat Urine
- Once the mattress is still wet, generously cover the area with a thick layer of baking soda.
- Let the baking soda dry out in the air thoroughly. This process could take a few hours.
- Once the powder has dried, utilize the upholstery tool of a vacuum cleaner or a handheld vacuum to remove the powder effectively.
Ways to Eliminate Cat Urine Smell from a Mattress
If cat urine stains are not addressed promptly, the odor can penetrate further into the mattress fibers, resulting in a lingering smell. Whenever feasible, opt for a dry, breezy day for mattress cleaning to facilitate quicker drying. Consider using these four techniques, followed by a comprehensive cleaning, to eliminate the odor.
Sodium Bicarbonate Mixture
- Combine one cup of baking soda with a tablespoon of water to create a paste.
- Apply the paste generously to the spots that have a urine odor.
- Utilize a brush with soft bristles to apply the paste onto the mattress. Let the paste dry thoroughly.
- Allow the paste to sit on the mattress for a minimum of four hours.
- Once the paste has dried, remove it with a vacuum.
Refined Clear Vinegar
- Fill a spray bottle with undiluted distilled white vinegar and generously apply it to the spots with a urine odor.
- Let the mattress dry out in the air. Initially, the scent of vinegar will be quite potent, but it will fade as the mattress dries. Distilled white vinegar, being a gentle acid, effectively neutralizes the elements found in urine.
- Accelerate the drying process by employing circulating fans to enhance air movement over the mattress.
Hydrogen Peroxide
- Fill a spray bottle with fresh hydrogen peroxide and generously apply it to the area stained with urine.
- Hydrogen peroxide serves as a gentle disinfectant and an oxygen-based bleaching agent. For eliminating urine odors without harming the mattress material, opt for the three percent solution available at pharmacies. After application, let the mattress dry in the air.
Hydrogen peroxide acts as a gentle bleaching agent that may alter the color of a printed or dyed mattress cover. If this is a potential issue, it’s advisable to mix the solution with an equal volume of water prior to application.
Laundry Borax is a versatile cleaning agent often used to enhance the effectiveness of laundry detergents.
Borax, located in the laundry section, is an alkaline mineral salt effective in neutralizing acidic stains such as urine. Although it is a natural substance, it can be harmful to humans. It is essential to wear rubber gloves and eye protection during use, and ensure the mattress is thoroughly vacuumed before it is used again.
- Combine one cup of borax with a tablespoon of water, or add enough water to achieve a smooth, thin paste.
- Apply it to the urine stain and gently scrub it in using a brush with soft bristles.
- Let the paste dry thoroughly before vacuuming up any leftover particles.
Extra Advice for Eliminating Cat Urine
By using appropriate products, exercising patience, and ensuring a deep clean, you can effectively remove cat urine stains and odors from bedding. Here are some suggestions for achieving optimal results:
- Avoid merely cleaning the surface. Cat urine can seep into mattress toppers and mattresses, resulting in a persistent smell.
- Avoid using strongly scented laundry detergents that simply cover up odors. Cats can still detect those smells.
- Avoid using cleaning products that contain ammonia. Since urine has ammonia in it, your cat might interpret this as a signal that their behavior is acceptable, leading them to revisit the area.
What could be the reason for my cat urinating on my bed?
The initial occurrence of your cat urinating on your bed might be puzzling, but subsequent incidents are usually clearer. Certain cats may show a preference for specific surfaces or spots for their bathroom needs. Additionally, some cats may urinate to mark their territory, even when a litter box is available. Regardless of the cause, if the scent of the urine is not completely eliminated after the first event, the cat is likely to return to the same spot repeatedly.
What are the steps to eliminate dried cat urine?
To address dried cat urine stains on bedding, begin by applying an enzyme-based pet stain remover to the affected area. Wash the bedding on the hottest setting suitable for the fabric, and ensure the stain is completely removed before using heat to dry. If the stain persists, soak the bedding in oxygen bleach for a minimum of two hours, or overnight, following the recommended water-to-bleach ratio on the packaging. Then, wash the bedding as you normally would.For dried cat urine on a mattress, start by spot treating the stain and neutralizing the odor using your preferred method, such as baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or borax. After treating the stain and eliminating the odor, steam clean the entire mattress to eradicate any lingering smells. Once you’ve cleaned and steamed the mattress, allow it to dry completely for at least eight hours.
Is it possible to salvage a mattress that a cat has urinated on?
It is possible to salvage a mattress that has been soiled by a cat, particularly if you promptly address the stain. Even if the urine has dried, you can still eliminate the stain with some effort. If the stain or smell persists after applying a stain remover and deodorizing with baking soda, consider giving the mattress a thorough cleaning with a steam cleaner.
What steps can I take if my cat continues to urinate on my mattress?
If your cat keeps urinating on your mattress, it’s important to discourage this behavior while identifying potential triggers. Clean the urine stain promptly, eliminate the odor, and think about using a waterproof mattress cover to prevent your cat from revisiting the area. Cats may urinate on a mattress for various reasons, including an unclean litter box, changes in the environment like a relocation, stress, or health concerns such as a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or kidney problems. It’s advisable to consult a veterinarian to identify the underlying cause and eliminate any health-related concerns.